Anal Fistulas
With an estimated incidence rate of 1-2 per 10,000 people, fistula-in-ano (also known as anal or perianal fistula) is the most common form of fistula; among patients with Crohn’s disease, prevalence estimates range as high as 7%. Anal fistulas have various causes, but they are most often the result of anorectal abscesses—around 50% of patients with abscesses subsequently develop fistulae. Though benign, fistulas and their related symptoms can cause patients significant distress.
Fistula-in-ano is often treated surgically, for example via fistulotomy (with or without prior Seton placement, depending on fistula complexity and degree of sphincter involvement) or an endorectal advancement flap. Such procedures, however, require weeks of recovery and carry a significant risk of healing failure, sphincter damage, and/or post-operative anal incontinence.

As a result, more and more healthcare professionals are turning instead to minimally invasive, sphincter-sparing treatments like Fistura®, in which the anal fistula is ablated using radiofrequency energy. Fistura® employs the principle of thermocoagulation, which is already widely used in a range of vascular, dermatological, and oncological applications. The procedure can be performed as a day case and causes minimal discomfort; most patients can resume their normal activities within a few days. Post-treatment care usually consists of analgesics and wound care.
Fistura is a minimally invasive technique that seals the fistula tract without having to open the anal sphincter. The procedure is based on the method of radiofrequency thermocoagulation - utilising the emission of electromagnetic waves at a very high frequency (4MHz). The technique is safe, efficient and does not damage surrounding tissue. This new treatment can be utilised in most types of fistulae to avoid what would otherwise be a very invasive procedure, known as 'laying open'.It is performed in Theatres under General Anaesthetic, as a day case, but due to its minimally invasive nature, recovery is much swifter and more comfortable for the patient.
Fistura is currently being offered in only a select number of hospitals and we anticiapte that it will soon be rolled out amongst all of our Rafaelo sites in the no too distant future. If you believe you may be suffering from a fistula and would like to find out where Fistura is currently available, please contact us using the Contant Form on this site.
If you are a surgeon keen to add Fistura to your treatment repertoire, please contact us using the Surgeon login.
Please complete the form below with your request and one of our team will be in touch.